John F. Kennedy Jr. High
Parent Vue

ParentVUE and StudentVUE Access

Office 365

Hanford Elementary is providing Microsoft Office to every student free of charge

HESD Tipline

A school safety Tip Line is provided for students and parents to report issues that affect education or safety

Kennedy Sports

Kennedy Sports News and Updates

Kennedy Band

Kennedy Band News and Information

Follett Shelf

Follett Shelf is an exciting resource which offers students opportunities to read books on any device with an internet connection

Student Laptop Information

Student Laptop Information and Handbook

Kennedy Art Class

Kennedy Art Class

Resources for Families

Padlet Resources for Families

School Accountability Report Card

John F. Kennedy Calendar

John F. Kennedy News

Rick Johnston

Dear JFK Parents/Guardians,

Welcome to John F. Kennedy Junior High School, the proud home of the Knights! My name is Cristy Goins, and I am honored to be your Principal for the 2024-2025 school year. After serving as the Learning Director at JFK for nine years, I am excited to embark on my second year as Principal.

Read More about Principal's Message